5:15 Amtrak to Norfolk

Williamsburg awaits
a Thanksgiving adventure
with our family

Historic brick, vaulted and coffered ceilings
in the 2-story lobby where echoes bounce
from wall to wall following the sneaker squeak
and flip-flop of a family walking past.
The historic-building-lover in me can’t help
but swivel eyes from floor to ceiling, lights
to doorways, a hundred years of history
ensconced in one building, testament to train
travel’s dream of sparks and steam.*

ornate brick outside
Italianate inside out
yesteryear whispers

We sit beside an older couple, short and robust
like my grandparents, Cuban Spanish rolling
off their whispers and in the stilted greeting.
“Hola,” I reply back. “Son Cubanos?”
My “si” produces a box of pastelitos from a tote
bag at their feet - “” - for you -
as if we’re family meeting for a ride together
and they were charged with bringing the snacks.

from Miami north
we ride together
bound by our shared roots

Silence reigns over whispered yawns at 5 AM,
our adopted Cuban grandparents leaving the train
to see their real daughter and grandchildren.
The passenger car sways riders back to sleep,
pillows and blankets piled across bodies,
backpacks as footrests, phones silent
black mirrors barely grasped in languid hands.

the train never sleeps
rocking passengers along
morning light through the trees

Trees dressed in last night’s cold, Earth’s breath
awakening with the light.The countryside outside
the train’s window sits in shades of pink and gray -
fence posts, ponds, cows, homes, a single car
keeping pace with the train on a country lane
before we veer back into a forest of gray trees.
Everything quiet, unaware of our silent passage.

For Tuesday Poetics at d’Verse, Punam gave us a train prompt. I also had the added prompt of “silence”.

We don’t ride the train in Florida as much as in other parts of the country or world. However, I wanted my son to experience an overnight trip at least once so when he was 10, we took Amtrak from Tampa to Norfolk where my parents picked us up for a family Thanksgiving in Williamsburg.

I struggled with posting this entire poem right now as I feel like it still needs a lot, but I’ll work on that separately and offer what I have for now.

*reference to James E. Tokley, Sr’s The Epic of Tampa Union Station

Did you know I’m on Instagram and Facebook? I am! Sometimes I’m on TikTok, too, though I don’t post there as often.

8 responses to “5:15 Amtrak to Norfolk”

  1. Your poem is enchanting!!! I did something similar while living in the Orlando area. Put myself and my seven year old granddaughter on Amtrak from Winter Park to Lakeland for a lunch and walk-about – and back to Winter Park! Her first ride.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “My “si” produces a box of pastelitos from a tote
    bag at their feet – “” – for you –
    as if we’re family meeting for a ride together
    and they were charged with bringing the snacks”
    Cris, this part resonated deeply with me. Here too, very often co passengers share food and become like family.
    Love your poem and I have a feeling you still have a lot to write about this journey. ❤️


  3. You’ve unrolled this memory for us so vividly, so distinctly with accounts of the station, baggage, fellow travelers, passage of time, the new dawn greeting weary eyes. A train trip to remember through your eyes! What a pleasure to read, Cris!


  4. This is a delight to read tonight. Good thing you had good company along the way. The ending stanza is lovely sketch of nature from the colors to the silence.


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